This page is taken from the Gamonal Tutors ASVAB Domination Booklet (Inside Cover)


I’m Mickey Gamonal! Head coach for ASVAB Domination by Gamonal Tutors!


Here are some of the things I’ve accomplished🏆:

👨🏻‍🎓 Bachelors Secondary Ed. – Math Focus 🧮 (2012) 

🇲🇦 Peace Corps Morocco Youth Development Volunteer (2014)

🏂 Snowboard Instructor Lee Canyon Las Vegas (2016)

🧠 Business Owner – Gamonal Tutors (2019) 

🇺🇸 Basic Training and Officer Candidate School (2020)

⭐️ Basic Officer Leadership Course at ALU (2021)

It hasn’t all been sunshine and rainbows ☀️🌈

There have been many struggles along the way. I know what it’s like to be embarrassed because you fear looking stupid. 😓

🤷‍♂️ I was scared to raise my hand in class for fear of looking stupid.

💩 I failed plenty of classes at UNLV trying to get my degree.

☠️ I’ve made LOADS of mistakes

🤦🏻I even used to be HORRIBLE at snowboarding, broken collarbone and torn ACL were the worst of my injuries

🗣 But I CAN’T STOP! I will keep failing forward and finding more achievements, lately, my favorite thing has been helping people raise ASVAB scores 🎖🪖

👊My advice, if you need help surround yourself with:

✅ people who will help you succeed 🏁

❎ people who don’t care 🚩

Thanks for taking the team to 📖 all this and listening to my story